On March 23, 2023, HS/EHS of Fayette County hosted our Annual Registration Day at four of our centers in Fayette County. For those families that were unable to attend in person, we offered a Facebook Live session. The event was open to pregnant women and families with children birth to 5 years old that were interested in our program and gave them the option to apply for services on the spot. Families enjoyed light refreshments, while the children engaged in different activities and listening to stories. Children stayed engaged by using our smartboard where they played with drag and drop facial features on Mr. Potato Head. It was very enjoyable to all the children. Children under 3 years old played in the sensory bins.
Hosted in four centers throughout Fayette County, we had 97 attendees from all over the county. Families had the opportunity to come to one of our centers, complete an application on site, meet the staff, and to tour classrooms and buses. It also gave the families an opportunity to ask questions and gain knowledge of our program. The parents were able to see their children interact with other children in a classroom setting and see how important socialization is to children at this age. By the time the families had to leave, the children were asking to stay.
Registration Day brought in 34 completed applications for the centers. The Mt. Vernon site had 10 attendees and 4 applications were completed. The Redstone site had 18 attendees and 7 applications were completed. Connellsville site had 32 attendees and 11 applications were completed. Lastly, our Lemont Furnace site had 37 attendees and 12 applications were completed. In addition to those applications completed on site, there were 50 applications completed via phone by families that were unable to attend. This is brought the total number to 84 applications completed in one day! In addition to recruiting children into the program, staff also used this as an opportunity to collect information of any parents who were interested in a job with PIC! From this, staff received 5 individuals who were interested in applying for a job as well.
Overall, this event was very successful. Events such as this help us to create a large waitlist for our 2023-2024 program year. We are hopeful that in future years, we can continue to make this an even bigger and more successful event.