Cybersecurity Camp
The Private Industry Council is pleased to offer…
Cybersecurity Camp
For High School Students (ages 15 years to 18 years) in Fayette County.
Explore and learn cybersecurity skills and experience building secure computer networks by using the CyberPatriot curriculum.
There is only one camp for Fayette County students:
- Monday June 24th thru Friday June 28th, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 112 Commonwealth Dr. Lemont Furnace, PA 15456.
Early drop off is available! Lunch is provided daily. There are also Daily Monetary Incentive for completing all 5 days. Explore careers in cyber security, participate in field trips, and fun hands-on activities. This is a free opportunity funded by the Westmoreland/Fayette Workforce Investment Board.
Please call 724-836-2600 x2207 for more information and fill out the interest form below to receive an application.