Operation Safe Stop

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Head Start/Early Head Start of Fayette County is supporting the statewide effort by PennDOT to promote public awareness and education on with school bus safety with Operation Safe Stop.

On Wednesday, October 19th, 2016, during National School Bus Safety Week (October 17th through October 21st), the Pennsylvania State Police, local law enforcement agencies, school districts, intermediate units, school bus contractors and school administrators will monitor and report motorists who illegally pass a school bus while children are loading or unloading at designated school bus stops.

The Pennsylvania School Bus Stopping Law requires motorists to stop at least 10 feet away from school buses that have the red flashing lights activated and the stop arm extended out with flashing red lights.

  • Pennsylvania motorist must stop when positioned behind a school bus anytime the 8-way red light system on the bus is activated and flashing until all children have reached a point of safety either inside or outside of the school bus.
  • Motorists must stop at an intersection when meeting the school bus or approaching a school bus where a school bus is stopped with the 8-way red light system activated and the lights are flashing until all children have reached a point of safety either inside or outside of the school bus.
  • Motorists following or traveling alongside a school bus must also stop where a school bus is stopped with the 8-way red light system activated and the lights are flashing until all children have reached a point of safety either inside or outside of the school bus.

In all cases, motorist should wait until the 8-way red light system is deactivated (turned off and the lights no longer flashing) prior passing the school bus to insure that all children have reached a point of safety either inside or outside of the school bus.

If you are convicted of violating Pennsylvania’s School Bus Stopping Law, one of the following penalties could apply:

  • 60 Day Driver’s License Suspension
  • Five (5) points on your driving record
  • $250.00 Fine

If you would like more information about Operation Safe Stop, please contact Harry Metz, Transportation Coordinator for the Head Start/Early Head Start of Fayette County at 724-430-4818, extension 3103 or email any questions to hmetz@privateindustrycouncil.com.
Please help us keep your children safe on the roads and report anyone who violates the Pennsylvania School Bus Stopping Law to local law enforcement.

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