Masontown 2 and PA One Books – May 2019 Not a Box

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Owen’s Mission Donates LifeVac Devices to Program

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During a read aloud on a Tuesday afternoon, the book Not a Box, was introduced to our students. The book was read again on the following day before choice time. After the read aloud, the children were invited to use an ordinary box and pretend to be the character from the story. The teacher modeled how to read each page and prompted responses such as “This is not a box” it is a “race car, a robot, a building….” The children were then invited to take turns reading the book as a friend pretended to be the character.  Some of our transitioning students asked to decorate the box. What a great book for children to expand their imagination to play, pretend, and create. A copy of Not a Box was sent home with all 20 students.

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