Happy Holidays from the DADS MATTER Team

Owen’s Mission Donates LifeVac Devices to Program

Owen’s Mission Donates LifeVac Devices to Program

Pictured above to receive the devices, from left to right are Sue Gallagher (Child, Health, and Safety Manager, Hockenberry Family, Mary Catherine Piper (Child Development Home-based Manager), and Yvonne Price (Child, Health, and Safety Supervisor).   On February...

Empowering Students through Digital Literacy:  Knowledge is Power

Empowering Students through Digital Literacy: Knowledge is Power

In today’s digital age, where technology plays a central role in everyday life, the need for digital literacy has never been more crucial. Students who complete digital literacy classes are equipped with vital skills that prepare them for success in an increasingly...

Latest podcast

Listen to the “PIC Podcasts”

Listen to the “PIC Podcasts”

Head Start / Early Head Start FAQs The Private Industry Council discusses frequently asked questions for Head Start and Early Head Start students. Private Industry Council operates the Head Start / Early Head Start program for Beaver and Fayette Counties in the...

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Christmas Through the Eyes of a Child

Remember when you were just a child, all you needed to be happy was enough change to buy a bag of penny candy or a popsicle or two

Enough to share with a friend and laugh and play all day

To ride your bike, stare at the sky, play in the creek, or climb a tree

To play kickball, four square, or baseball until dark when the street lights came on, then run safely back home

Imagine all the dreams you had back then

And just think if you could dream again now and find a way to make next year be as wonderful as the memories and hopes of your childhood

It begins with a thought, a decision, a vision, words that give life

And then you could begin to write what comes into sight

The vison and purpose of your very BEST life!

I hope that these thoughts of reflection encourage you to reminisce, smile, and give you hope for a truly beautiful, peaceful, and prosperous holiday season as you “Write Your Sight” for 2024.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from my family to yours!

Submitted by: L. Michelle Ferguson, DADS MATTER Project Manager

P.S. Please take a moment to view the beautiful baby/childhood photos below & guess which PIC staff they are! Hint: The expressions/smiles are the same even as adults! 😊


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