As we gear up for the 2022-2023 school year in Fayette County, we find recruitment at the center of it all. Our staff are working diligently to ensure our slots are at full enrollment.
Recently, Head Start and Early Head Start staff teamed up with other employees of the Private Industry Council (PIC) to cover the Fayette County and Westmoreland County Fairs. Each event was a week long and staff participated in recruiting efforts for PIC programs each day.
The staff volunteer bi-weekly to help with the “Produce to the People” food distribution event. They load produce, dried goods, and milk into vehicles of patrons in the community while passing out information about PIC’s Head Start/Early Head Start services.
Earlier this month, Fayette County HS/EHS volunteers participated in “Hoops and Scoops” at Grant Street Park. They assisted children with a hands-on activity and adults with filling out pre-applications to express interest in EHS/HS services.
Every couple of months, the Fayette County Chamber of Commerce hosts a networking event to meet and greet different businesses in the area. Staff take business cards and brochures to distribute, and talk about current job openings available.
Our program Director and Assistant Director, along with 5 other staff, attended the “Book Bag Give Away” at the Uniontown Salvation Army. They helped to fill book bags with school supplies and Head Start information and passed them out to each family that was previously signed up.
If you have turned on the radio lately, you may have heard WMBS showcase the PIC Connection on Friday mornings. When you tune in, you can hear the voices of our Director of Enrollment services, Joyce Bendishaw, and Parent, Family & Community Engagement Manager, Chelsey Sennett, sharing the great news of all the good our EHS/HS program has to offer to our community.
If you are interested in more information about Fayette County Head Start/Early Head Start services and/or job openings, call 724-430-4818 or visit our website at