DADS MATTER donates for shoe drive hosted by the Greater Latrobe Laurel Valley Chamber of Commerce

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Dan Bell (left) from DADS MATTER and Briana Tomack, President of the Greater Latrobe Laurel Valley Chamber, outside of the chamber offices in downtown Latrobe.

On Thursday, September 24, 2020, L. Michelle Ferguson (DADS MATTER Program Supervisor) and Daniel Bell (Database Specialist) dropped off new and gently worn shoes to the Greater Latrobe Laurel Valley Chamber of Commerce in downtown Latrobe to support their shoe drive. The Chamber, which seeks to promote a vibrant economic climate in which businesses can prosper, will donate the shoes to developing nations such as Haiti, Colombia, and Tanzania to support micro-entrepreneurs (small business owners). DADS MATTER Staff and their families collectively donated over 50 pairs of sneakers, dress shoes, slippers, and more to pass on to the Chamber. We’re sure the shoes will be put to great use in supporting people in developing countries.

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