Hear ye, hear ye! This is to proclaim this year’s Head Start and Early Head Start of Fayette County’s, a program of the Private Industry Council of Westmoreland/Fayette, Inc., Royal Health Celebration a success! The great quest for a healthier kid occurred on September 3, 2019. The program welcomed 21 of the grandest families in the entire kingdom. Their journey began with the presentation of the royal treasure map. Upon their epic quest, they received a royal stamp once each of their regal tasks was completed.

On their adventure, our families saw many sites. Sandra Herbert, Duchess of Sight and Sound, was first. Once the little lords and ladies of the kingdom passed their test of hearing and vision, they proceeded to move forward on the next quest of making grand shields and castles for the kingdom. They all gathered around and heard such tales of “Sweet Pea Beauty and the Princess Party,” and were entertained with feats from the Great Puppeteers of Old with the Fish Puppet show titled, “How to Brush my Teeth”. There was a Grand Feast in which our little lords and ladies were entertained with songs. They also had their turn making instruments.

Lady Lisa Metts shared the importance to eat healthy through an activity, and Lord Regis Lazor shared a matching game. Lady Kathy Shimko made sure our little lords and ladies were healthy by checking their hemoglobin levels, and to ensure that the enemy of the kingdom, lead, was nowhere to be found. They also received a kit with all the important tools to good oral hygiene to help with their quest for the tooth fairy and a book called “Not a Box”. Crowns were also crafted for our future Kings and Queens. PA CareerLink® was on hand to share grand council and wisdom for the families of the kingdom as well. At the end of their quest, our lords and ladies found the grand treasure chest. They were granted a treasure to take with them for a job well done. Surely the feats done on this day will be told by minstrels’ generations to come!!