Pearson VUE

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Owen’s Mission Donates LifeVac Devices to Program

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Latest podcast

Listen to the “PIC Podcasts”

Listen to the “PIC Podcasts”

Head Start / Early Head Start FAQs The Private Industry Council discusses frequently asked questions for Head Start and Early Head Start students. Private Industry Council operates the Head Start / Early Head Start program for Beaver and Fayette Counties in the...

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The Private Industry Council Westmoreland/Fayette, Inc. (PIC) is a Pearson VUE Authorized Test Center. Pearson VUE is a leader in computer based testing which offers 7 areas of credentialing:

Academia & Admissions, Financial & Related Services, Government, Healthcare, Information Technology (IT), Military, US Licensing and Global Regulatory with hundreds of certifications available.

As a test center, PIC must adhere to the industry’s most secure testing environment as set by Pearson VUE and the test owner. PIC is approved to administer Pearson VUE at five testing sites. The following three Pearson VUE sites are approved to offer all tests and/or certifications: PIC Greensburg Office at 219 Donohoe Road Greenburg, PA  15601; Alle-Kiski PA CareerLink® at 1150 5th Avenue New Kensington, PA 15068 and PIC Monessen Office at 521 Schoonmaker Avenue Monessen, PA 15062. The other two sites, the Westmoreland County Prison located in Greensburg, PA and the Pittsburgh Job Corp located in East Liberty, PA, only offer the GED Test and retest services. Currently, PIC has 11 certified Test Administrators/Proctors, who recertify annually, that assist with these services.

The PIC Greensburg Office offers Pearson VUE testing most Thursdays and testing at the Alle-Kiski PA CareerLink® and PIC Monessen Office on alternating Fridays. Testing hours are usually between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM.

In order to take one of the hundred different tests offered, test candidates will follow these steps:

  • Go online to the Pearson VUE website at and register for the desired test/certification.
  • Select a testing facility and testing date.
  • Submit payment via debit or credit card online.

When a test candidate schedules at test at the PIC Greensburg Office, they can expect the following the day of the test.

  • Once the test candidate arrives, they will be greeted and asked to sign in.
  • Next the Proctor will complete the 7 Steps of Admission for the test candidate. This includes verifying identity with a photo ID, typically a Driver’s License, as well as a second form of identification if necessary. Some tests require a second form of ID with a signature verification. This could include a passport, birth certificate, social security card, military ID or a credit card as long as it contains the test candidate’s signature.
  • The proctor will then instruct the test candidate to place all personal items into a secure locker. This would include a purse, wallet, coat and any smart device such as a cell phone or smart watch. Calculators are also not permitted in the testing room.
  • Once admission has been completed, the Proctor will introduce the test taker to the Test Administrator who will take the candidate to the testing room.
  • Once in the secure testing room, the Test Administrator will log the test candidate onto a computer and ensure the selected test is set up on the computer. The testing room is monitored with cameras to allow the Test Administrator to know if there is an issue in the room. Some tests provide a timed break while others do not.
  • Once the test candidate has completed their test, the results of the exam are available almost instantaneously. The results are confidentially printed and given to the test candidate before they leave the facility. Certificates will be mailed directly to the test candidate’s address that was provided during the registration process.

For more information about Pearson VUE testing, please visit the Pearson VUE website at or call the Private Industry Council at 724-836-2600.

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